12 Awesome Gift Ideas For Your Priest To Show Appreciation


5) Gift certificate to a bookstore (or iTunes or Amazon)

Most priests read a lot and love books and magazines. There is nothing better for a bibliophile than time in a bookstore browsing the shelves for favorite titles.

6) Gym membership

Is there a gym close to your priest’s residence? A priest’s schedule can make it challenging to find time for exercise, but a membership to a local gym allows them to pop in when they have a little time between commitments.

7) An invitation to join you for a movie, an afternoon on the golf course, or fishing or lunch

Any one of these are opportunities to build friendship outside of the parish and give your priest a little break away from his usual routine.

8) Cooking lessons

Does your priest like to cook? Some priests have cooks in residence, and some don’t, but for clergy who want or need to cook for themselves, the same old recipes can get boring. A few lessons with a professional chef can provide new and fresh ideas.


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