17 Classic and Awesome Baby Names Inspired By Saints Who Witnessed God’s Mercy



For a community-builder. St. Teresa of Avila (1515–1582) was a Carmelite nun whose core concept of religious life was to form communities dedicated to compassion and mercy. She lived during a time of great upheaval and uncertainty in the Church and devoted her life to reform, both of herself and of the Carmelite Order.


For a listener. Leopold Mandic (1866–1942) is a Capuchin Franciscan saint whose relics were on display in St. Peter’s Basilica during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Leopold had ambitions to be a great missionary, but he was asked instead to undertake the work of confessor. He became a great spiritual guide, and for 40 years he spent twelve hours a day in the confessional, putting aside his own aspirations to show mercy and compassion to those closer to home.


For a little girl who will grow up to care for the needy. St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1231) was the wife of a nobleman in what is now modern-day Germany. After her husband died she built a hospital where she personally helped to nurse the sick. She became a Third Order Franciscan and made prayer, penance, and care of the needy her main priorities.


For a child with an enormous capacity for forgiveness. Maria Goretti(1890–1902) is one of the youngest canonized saints. At the age of 12, she was attacked by a man who tried to rape her and died the next day — but not before she announced, in an ultimate act of mercy, that she forgave her attacker.

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The man was found guilty, and on release from prison he visited Maria’s mother to ask for her forgiveness. He lived with Franciscan monks as a layperson for the rest of his life. While the story is a tragic one, it demonstrates the power of forgiveness and rising above injustice.