Here Are 26 Powerful Names Of Mary That Most Catholics Do Not Know


7. Mirror of Justice

Just as a mirror reflects your image, Mary was the reflection of Jesus, the one who came to justify us all. Justice is the perfect state of the soul, completion of all virtues. And just as a clean, flawless mirror reflects a perfect image, she reflected the virtues of Jesus perfectly.

8. Seat of Wisdom

Mary is the Seat of Wisdom because wisdom became incarnate in her son Jesus whom she carried. She also possessed and practiced true wisdom, not the wisdom of this world

9. Mystical Rose

Mary has shown us that the rose is her favorite flower, through the mysterious roses that Juan Diego picked before giving him her image on his tilma, to the garland of roses she wore during her apparitions at La Sallette, to the beautiful roses she brought at Lourdes, Pontmain, Pellevoisin, Beauaing and Banneaux. It is said, for every Hail Mary we say, is like placing a rose at her feet


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