Here Are 26 Powerful Names Of Mary That Most Catholics Do Not Know


19. Queen Assumed into Heaven

The kings of Judah could have multiple wives, but they only had one mother – the queen mother. She was the most important and influential women in the royal court. A king would always listen to his mother! Jesus’ bride is the Universal Church. He is the King of kings, which would make Mary, the Queen of Heaven.

20. Queen of the Holy Rosary

The use of “prayer beads” and repeated prayers has been a long time practice from the earliest of days from the Church. The Rosary as we know it is credited to a vision given to St. Dominic. In 1571, Pope Pius V asked the faithful to pray the rosary in preparation for battle, and ask the Lord for victory to the Christians against the Moslem. Although outnumbered, the Christians won and thanks were given to the Lord and the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother

21. Undoer of Knots

Eve, by her disobedience tied the human race into the knots of sin, conversely, Mary, through her obedience to the will of the Father unties these knots


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