Do You Want Your Children To Be Protected? Then Pray This Powerful Prayer For Them


Prayer to Saint Dominic Savio for the protection of children

“We need your intercession to protect today’s children from the pitfalls of the world”

St. Dominic Savio was born in Turin, Italy, in 1842. Very young, he met Don Bosco and followed his teachings, loving Jesus and Our Lady Help of Christians. He was an ordinary young man who always sought to fulfill his commitment to the life of prayer. He was in very poor health and died at the age of 15.

With unequaled zeal for the search for sanctification, for participation in the Sacraments and for perfection in manners and customs, St. Dominic stood out for his angelic purity.

And in these times, when young people are so tempted by immodesty and perverted customs by a generalized sexualization, devotion to this very special Saint becomes more necessary than ever.

Prayer to Saint Dominic Savio for children and young people

Beloved St. Dominic, you who have spent your short life all loving Our Lord and His Most Holy Mother, help the youth of today to understand the importance of God in their lives.

You became a Saint through your fervent participation in the Sacraments, you instructed parents and children for the importance of frequent Confession and Communion.

Very young, you have meditated the painful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for us, therefore, the grace to desire ardently to suffer for his sake.

We desperately need your intercession to protect today’s children from the pitfalls of the world.

Watch them and guide them down the narrow path to Paradise.

I ask God to grant us the grace to sanctify our daily chores by performing them for the greater glory of Him.

And remind us of the necessity of practicing the virtues, especially in times of trial.

Saint Dominic Savio, you who have preserved the Baptismal Innocence, pray for us.

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