A Prayer For A New Job


A Prayer For A New Job (a prayer asking for God’s help when searching for new employment)

Lord, Thank you that you have good things in store for those who love you, for those who have been called according to your purpose. Thank you for the gifts and talents that you have given me.

Even before I was born your hand was at work in the very fabric of my being and through my adult years you have stood by me and provided for me in good times and in times of need and crisis. I reach out you now O God and ask that you would lead me to the right job.

Open my heart as I search for the right kind of work. Protect my mind, cover my thinking, That my mind might be alert to your leading and my spirit sensitive to your promptings.

I pray that you would open a door to a job which brings fulfillment and happiness. A job which not only provides for my needs but enables me to give freely to the needs of others. A job which extends the reach of your work, your kingdom and your will on this earth today. I ask all this in the powerful name of Jesus, My loving Saviour and Friend, Amen. 


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