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First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“The First Friday of each month was designated by our Savior Himself as a day to be consecrated to honoring His Sacred Heart. As the...

Powerful Wednesday Miracle Prayer That Never Fails

It’s Wednesday! Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I’m reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to...

Powerful and Unfailing Family Prayer

Dear God, I come before you not on my own behalf. But for their own good. Bless the ones I love. Strengthen their faith. Let them live...

5 FREE Catholic Questions and Answers Books to Give to Non-Catholics and Anti-Catholics

Get FREE Catholic Books with answers to all your Catholic related questions. Let’s talk about the Rosary Is the Rosary Biblical? by Godwin Delali Adadzie Many people are...

Do you know the Similarities and differences between the Christian and the Catholic? Find Out!

Christian Vs Catholic The year was 1517, which is a little over 500 years ago. An Augustinian monk...

Billionaire Says His Wealth Can’t Replace Jesus, Reiterates Every Human Is Broken

The richest man in Singapore, Philip Ng Chee Tat, has said living without Jesus and focusing on material things is a sad way to...

8 Signs You Are Under Spiritual Attack and 3 Keys to Break free from it

Many people are facing spiritual struggles as they attempt to advance in the things of God. One of the primary tricks of...

Real Miracle Recorded on TV by Top Investigative Journalist that Science cannot Explain

Signs from God: Science Tests Faith Well known Investigative reporter Michael Willesee (from Australia) rediscovered his faith through his personal experience and live reporting of...

How Our Lady of the Rosary rescued the Philippines

The bishop of Manila declared the victory a miracle. Catholics in the Philippines are profoundly devoted to the Blessed...

Powerful Day by Day Prayer of St. Richard of Chichester

Long Version: Small Yellow Cross Thanks be to Thee, my Lord Jesus Christ For all the benefits you have given me, For all the pains and insults you...


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