
Do you Need a Miracle in your Life this New Month? Say this Prayer to claim it

Shortest And Most Powerful Miracle Prayer Never Known to Fail Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as...

Prayer for a Worrying Mind to have a Peaceful Mind in the Lord

I know that worrying gets me nowhere, yet I still allow it to consume me. In times such as these, Lord, I...

Say Today’s Prayer and Attract Every Blessing into your Life

Heavenly Father, I may not understand how everything will work out, but I trust You. I don't see a way, but...

Waiting on a Miracle in Marriage? This PRAYER is for you

Lord Jesus, I pray you would be glorified in my marriage. Wherever I find myself, in good times or bad times,...

A Daily Battle Prayer to face your Everyday Problems

Thank you, Lord, for your Protection over my family. I come against any plot, ploy or scheme that the enemy has...

Short but Powerful Prayer for Blessings over your Home

A Prayer for over Your Home Lord, we thank you for your goodness and blessing over our...

PICTURES: This Jesuit-built Church in Rome was the First to Glorify the Eucharist

After the Reformation, Christ incarnate was to be proclaimed as boldly as possible. The Church of Il Gesù in...

The Mysterious Image of Our Lady of the Fjords, Oldest Photo of an Apparition

On June 24th, 1905, Thomas B. Hayward was enjoying the sights of the Narrows of St. John’s in Newfoundland, Canada when he pointed...

Say this Prayer and Ask God for Whatever your Want

God is going to Bless you in a Major Way this Week Breakthrough Prayer for the Year...

This Friday Prayer to Jesus is a Powerful Miracle

My Most Glorious and Suffering Lord, it is Your Hour.  It is the Hour by which You conquered sin and death.  It is the Hour...


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