
Deliver Your Life into God’s Hands With This Powerful Prayer

Dear Lord, Help me to draw closer to You. Help me to trust in You and to not walk by sight, but by faith, knowing that...

A Mother’s Prayer to the Guardian Angels of Her Children. prayer and reading; 22/05/19

A Mother's Prayer to the Guardian Angels of Her Children I humbly salute you, O you faithful, heavenly Friends of my children! I give you...

Prayer to Overcome Financial Struggles and Hardship

Praying in the midst of the storm In the midst of this storm, I thank You most gracious one, for...

How a Ship was Miraculously saved by God through a Brown Scapular

A fierce storm threatened all on board, until a young Irishman held out the Brown Scapular he was wearing.

Daily Offering ; holy sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. Tuesday; 21/05/19

Daily Offering O Jesus, through the immaculate heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys and sufferings of this day in union with...

6 Reasons why all Christians (non-Catholics too!) should have a relationship with Mary Even Karol Wojtyla wondered if it was possible to overdo our devotion, but there's no reason...

Prayer to My Guardian Angel. today’s Prayer; 20/05/19

Prayer to My Guardian Angel Angel of God's light, whom God sends as a companion for me on earth, protect me from the snares of the devil,...

Powerful Prayer to God for Help with problems in Life Calm my troubled mind(a prayer asking God for help with a difficult problem in life)

Prayers God Answers: Ask for Joy and Abundance in your Life Prayer and Happiness belong together. No one can be happy if they don’t have peace of...

Say this Powerful Prayer to Attract Blessings in your Life

Lord, thank you for the goodness in my life. When I wake each morning, I praise Your name! You have given me...


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