
Can you stay one hour with me? The “Night Watch” of Holy Thursday

Jesus challenges all of us to stay with him in the Garden and console him in his sorrow. On...

Receive Blessings This Good Friday With This Powerful Prayer

My Most Glorious and Suffering Lord, it is Your Hour.  It is the Hour by which You conquered sin and death.  It is the Hour for which...

Powerful Holy Week Saturday Prayer That Never Fails

God of love, My prayer is simple: Your son, Jesus, suffered and died for me. I know only that I cannot have real strength unless I rely on you. I cannot feel...

Receive a Miracle This Holy Week With This Powerful Holy Week Prayer

Lord God, We tremble to think That it was one of Jesus’ own friends who betrayed him. One who sat by him, who broke bread with him. Give us strength,...

The Miracle Power of the Sign of the Cross! Do it 100 times a day!

The Sign of the CrossCrucifixion, by Nicolas Tournier, 1635 “Let us not then be ashamed to confess the Crucified. Be...

Powerful And Unfailing Wednesday Miracle Prayer to St. Anthony – Performer of Miracles

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures, made...

Biblical Reasons Why Catholics use Images and Statues

A very good explanation of why Catholics use images and statues of Saints, and the biblical support for this practice is given...

The Notre Dame fire burns a hole in our hearts, yet cannot consume our faith

Disbelief and shock are uniting Catholics and the French nation. PARIS — There are very few words to sum...

Top 10 Hidden and Unknown Facts About Notre Dame Cathedral

Constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries, Notre-Dame de Paris has centuries of French history built into its stone. The Gothic cathedral reflects the...

3 Powerful Sacramental Every Catholic Must Have in Their Homes During Easter

The use of sacramentals is one of the most misunderstood practices in the Catholic Church. They have been part of the Church’s life from...


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