
Say this Powerful Prayer and Expect a Miracle Today

MOST holy Mary, Queen of heaven, I who was once the slave of the Evil One now dedicate myself to thy service forever; and...

Powerful Prayers To THE BLESSED SACRAMENT in the Month of April

Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. I adore Thee, O Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, furnace of divine charity,...

The 3 Greatest Blessing Mother Mary Received

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! (Luke 1:42) Mary was unique in human history. It is absolutely true....

Receive Blessings From the Blessed Virgin Mary this Week

MOTHER of my God, look down upon a poor sinner, who has recourse to thee and puts his trust in thee. I am not worthy...

A Monday Prayer of Thanksgiving Prayer for a Blessed Week

Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Ps 106:1    ...

Say this Powerful Prayer Before Going to Bed for a Special Blessing

The best way for a good night’s sleep is to reclaim your inner peace and rest with a heart united to God God in heaven, O...

7 Powerful Steps to Fix Feeling Bored at Mass

Many young people sincerely want to participate in the Mass more meaningfully, but find it difficult to focus and concentrate. One of the most common...

Is Missing Mass on Sunday a Mortal Sin? Find Out

Declaring otherwise in comboxes and on social media should leave us with much to consider about our own pride and authority. missing Mass is NOT...

Why do Catholics Call their Main Church Services “Mass”?

It is a strange word in English, and doesn't adequately describe what takes place. Catholics can have a weird vocabulary sometimes. When a Catholic needs...

This Miraculous Staircase Was Built by St Joseph in New Mexico

Left unable to reach the choir loft of their new chapel after no carpenter would take on the impossible task of building a staircase,...


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