
This One Prayer to Jesus and Mary will Lead to Miracles in Your Life

This miracle prayer is to be prayed daily. Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I...

Make your Request to Jesus Christ with this Prayer… He will Answer you

Make your request and trust in the loving heart of Jesus Preparatory Prayer: Oh! Loving heart of Jesus, Most pure and most holy Heart, all full...

This Friday Prayer of Thanksgiving to Mother Mary will Rain Blessing on your Life

The Prayer, Thanksgiving for Mary, Our Mother O Blessed Virgin Mary, who can worthily give you the just dues of praise and thanksgiving, you who...

Who were St. Joseph’s Parents?

The parents of the foster father of Jesus raised a "just man," who would guard the Savior of the world. While the Church traditionally recognizes...

Urgent Prayer for Help for when you are in a Tough Situation

Help Virgin Mary, it’s time! Help me, O Mother of mercy. You are powerful to save us, in our needs and our dangers. For where human help...

The Most Powerful Intercession Prayers the Blessed Virgin loves so much

10 Powerful Prayers for Mary’s Intercession 1. Ave Maria (Hail Mary) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is...

Talk to your Jesus with this Powerful Prayer… He will Answer

Prayer To Jesus For Healing Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever you see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from you. Heal my...

This Thursday Prayer to Jesus will Bring Miracles   LORD Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me....

Receive the 15 Promises of the Rosary as Given by Our Lady

To truly advance in growing into the saint God designed us to be, It is highly encouraged to make praying the rosary daily a...

This Beautiful Wednesday Prayer to Mother Mary is what you need to Start your Day

O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant me ever to be able to call upon thy powerful name, since thy name is the help of...


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