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“If You Do Not Cure Me Jesus, I Will Tell Your Mother” (A Beautiful Testimony)

Lourdes 1928.   This 10-year-old paralyzed child is told that his parents took him to Lourdes with the hope that he would be cured. His mother...

Why Do We Ask The Priest For A Blessing?

And why are many Catholics leaving this tradition? We may not have the size of the grace we receive from God by having priests by...

A True Life Story: The Stress Was Killing Me… The Holy Rosary changed his life

Take the Holy Rosary in your hands and recite it, in each Hail Mary ask him to teach you to stand and hope with...

WATCH THIS: The Entire Story Of The Apparitions Of Our Lady of Fatima And The Angel.. Over 100 Years Ago!!

We went on that occasion to my parents' property, which is at the bottom of the Cabeco, facing east. It is called Chousa Velha. About...

This Is The Best Marian Prayer For When you Really Need Help… Receive Instant Help NOW

The 12th-century prayer has been connected to numerous miracles throughout the centuries. One of the most widely known Catholic prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary,...

AMAZING MOTHERHOOD STORY: The Mystery Of Lina, Who Gave Birth At Age 5

Now 83, she has never revealed who the father of her son is Yes, this is a true, documented and proven story. In 1938, little Lina Medina was five...

A Beautiful Prayer To Place Your Life In God’s Hands

Blessed Charles de Foucald invites us to say: Let only your will be done in me ...   Father, I abandon myself into your hands; do with me...

“Padre Pio Is Often With Me During Exorcisms, And The Devil Fears Him”

Fr. Piero Catalan is a spiritual disciple of Fr. Gabriele Amorth. He says that during exorcisms the demon calls the saint of Pietrelcina "the...

EXTRAORDINARY MIRACLES: Our Lady Who Cries, Wafer That Bleeds, A Mantle That Changes Color…

Supposedly extraordinary cases were happening in Argentina Argentina has recorded several cases apparently "extraordinary" over the past weeks in parishes across the country. Blood Tears The most recent...

Powerful Prayer To The Holy Spirit: Breathe Into Me

One of the most beautiful prayers to the Holy Spirit attributed to St. Augustine Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, so that all my thoughts can be holy.   Acted...


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