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Why Do Catholics Bless Themselves With Holy Water When Entering A Church?

Part of the original purpose seems kinda gross to us today When visiting a Catholic church for Sunday Mass, it is hard not to notice...

A Powerful Prayer to Jesus For The Sick & Those In Need of Healing

Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You. Hear us for Your sick servant for whom we implore...

After Her Baby Was Born Without Limbs, A Mother Witnessed A Miracle

First-time mom Alex Seaman's prayer "was not only heard but answered." When Alex Seaman was expecting her son, Forrest, she experienced a normal pregnancy with...

7 Things That Happen When We Pray

God hears your prayer Every time you pray, God is listening. Think about how amazing that is! God has the power to transform your life...

Powerful Miracle Prayers to the Mother Mary for Blessings and Solution to Every Problem

MOST holy Mary, Queen of heaven, I who was once the slave of the Evil One now dedicate myself to thy service forever; and...

Prayer to the Holy Spirit Before Confession

Here is a prayer to the Holy Spirit before receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Penance. Let us ask God to give us the strength...

How (and Why) Catholics Make the Sign of the Cross

Since we make the Sign of the Cross before and after all of our prayers, many Catholics don't realize that the Sign of the...

O Poderoso Valor Do Sinal Da Cruz

Se você soubesse a importância desta oração, garanto que você a colocaria mais em prática! *(†) Pelo sinal da Santa Cruz,* *(†) livrai-nos DEUS, nosso SENHOR,* *(†)...

What is the Powerful Seven Devotions to St. Joseph?

A little-known devotion that honours Joseph's joys and sorrows. St. Joseph, while he never spoke a word in scripture, is one of the most beloved...

John Paul II: He Showed Us Holiness Was Not Only Possible But Exciting….Find Out How

One of the JPII generations pays tribute to the saintly pontiff. In, April 2, 2005, I was standing in St. Peter’s Square praying for our...


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