6) You can know a tree by its fruit
Scripture speaks of knowing a tree by its fruit (cf. Matthew 7:16). There is abundant fruit when we look at what Mary has done for the Church historically, geopoliticly, and culturally. Not only has she stopped famines, wars, heresies, and persecutions, but she has inspired artists and thinkers at the pinnacle of culture – Mozart, Botticelli, Michelangelo, St. Albert the Great, and the master builders who erected Notre Dame Cathedral, just to name a few.
The testimonies of the saints are overwhelming when it comes to just how powerful her intercession is. There are abundant numbers of canonized saints who spoke highly of her, but you will never find one that spoke poorly of her. Cardinal John Henry Newman noticed that when Mary is abandoned, it isn’t long before a true practice of the faith is abandoned as well.
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