How To Ask For Grace Through The Intercession Of Mary In The Hours Of Despair


The prayer recommended by Pope Francis

In times of darkness and despair, the Catholic knows that he can count on the intercession of his Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, with Jesus. This is the prayer that, at these times, Pope Francis recommends:

A Prayer to Our Lady Unleashing Us

Holy Mary, full of the presence of God,

during the days of your life

you accepted with all humility

the will of the Father

and the evil one could never be involved

with its confusions.

Together with your Son

interceded for our difficulties

and, with all simplicity and patience,

give us the example of how to unfold

the lines of our life.

And, in remaining forever as our Mother,

put in order and make it clearer

the bonds that unite us to the Lord.


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Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother,

to you, that with your maternal heart

untie the nodes that disturb our life,

we ask:

receive into your hands

………. ( say the full name of the person

or the node to be untied )

and deliver us from bondage and confusion

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with which our enemy punishes us.


By your grace, through your intercession,

with your example,

deliver us from all evil, Our Lady,

and unties the nodes that prevent us

to unite with God,

so that, free from all confusion and error,

we praise Him in all things,

let us put our heart in him

and may we always serve Him in our brethren.

