Miraculous Prayer for A Boyfriend


Featured on this page are several uplifting prayers to read when praying for your boyfriend. There is an inspiring short prayer for your relationship with him, a simple morning prayer for your boyfriend, and a prayer for him to fall in love with you (for those who are currently seeking a partner). May your heart be encouraged as you pray these uplifting words now! 

Prayer for Boyfriend (a prayer for our relationship)

Lord God, I am so blessed by the friendship, intimacy and love that I share with my boyfriend. Thank you for him, for the way he smiles, his lovely personality and wonderful heart. I pray that he would always be watched over and protected by you. I ask that you use me to bring blessing into his life. And I pray that you would lead our relationship forwards in peace, grace, hope and great love. Amen. 

Morning Prayer for My Boyfriend (a prayer for his safety & strength)

Lord, As he awakes, draw him close to you. May he know that he’s lifted in prayer. Guide his mind to the everlasting peace, Lord, may he wade in the deep streams of your love. As he goes out, you are his friend His constant companion on whom he can depend. Protect him through the whole day Cover him, bless him and please let him know How much you love him today.

Prayer for him to fall in love with me (a prayer for someone I like to become my boyfriend)

Father in Heaven, You know how much I love him You see every part of me Only you could understand All that he means to me. So please may you open his eyes to see The beauty you grow within me. Show him a vision of the life we could share O Lord I desire that he would love me. 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE  This Is A Powerful Prayer for Divine Direction For Your Life.