The Powerful Miracle Prayer Given by Mary That Never Fails


The Three Hail Mary novena is a very beautiful prayer recited in honor of three of Mary’s special gifts given to her by God: her power, wisdom, and mercy.  In this novena we ask her to use these gifts on our behalf to obtain our petitions from God, and most importantly, to help us lead a holier life.

The words of this prayer are very powerful, and if prayed daily, will undoubtedly bring about noticeable changes in your life. Pray it sincerely every day, and you will begin to notice the special graces you will receive from the Blessed Mother.  She works!



Oh, Immaculate Mary, Virgin most powerful, I beseech thee, through that immense power which thou hast received from the Eternal Father, obtain for me purity of heart, strength to overcome all the enemies of my soul, and the special favor I implore in my present necessity.

[Name your request]

Mother most pure! Forsake me not, despise not my prayer, graciously hear me for God’s glory, thy honor, and the welfare of my soul.

To obtain this favor I honor thy power by reciting:

Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. 


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