Say this Powerful Prayer to Mary, Mother of God for Blessings


Father, source of light in every age,
the virgin conceived and bore Your Son
Who is called Wonderful God,
Prince of Peace.
May her prayer,
the gift of a mother’s love,
be Your people’s joy through all ages.
May her response,
born of a humble heart,
draw Your Spirit to rest on Your people.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.




O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me, show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity

(Mention Your Request)

There are none that can withstand your power.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times)

O Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands. (3 times)
Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days.
You must publish it, and it will be granted to you.


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