Prayer Petitions For December 24, 2019. pray Now!


Christ Jesus emptied himself and took the form of a slave. He was tested like us in all things and did not sin. Now let us worship him and pray to him with deep faith:
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.

You came into the world heralding the new age foretold by the prophets,
— give your holy people the gift of renewal in every generation.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.

You once took on the weakness of our human condition,
— be light now for those who do not see, strength for the wavering and comfort for the troubled of heart.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.

You were born into poverty and lowliness,
— look with favor on the poor and comfort them.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.

By your birth bring joy to all peoples with the promise of unending life,
— give joy to the dying through the hope of heavenly birth.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.

You came to earth to lead everyone into the kingdom,
— share your life of glory with those who have died.
By the power of your birth, comfort those who are saved.


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