STOP, Don’t Pray the Rosary Today Unless You See This Revelation


Mysteries of Light

In 2002, John Paul II added five more mysteries to the Rosary, called the Luminous mysteries. He proposed the additional mysteries so as to bring out fully the Christological depth of the Rosary as they would include the mysteries of Christ’s public ministry between his Baptism and his Passion. The Rosary is the Church’s spiritual weapon that puts “demons to flight.”

Since the 12th century, the Church has turned toward the Rosary in times of trouble and tribulation. In 1569, St. Pius V officially consecrated the Rosary, attributing to its recitation the destruction of heresy and the conversion of many peoples. He urged the faithful to pray the Rosary in those times of “so many heresies, and grievously troubled and afflicted by so many wars, and by the deprave morals of men.”


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