Tags Mass

Tag: Mass

How To Offer Up Your Intentions At Mass

As Catholic laity, we often hear about "active participation" at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We may think that "active" participation...

20 Important Things to remember at Your Next Mass

To all my Catholic Lectors and dear ones:Etiquette is not only about behaviour at a party or formal meeting. There is also...

7 Powerful Steps to Fix Feeling Bored at Mass

Many young people sincerely want to participate in the Mass more meaningfully, but find it difficult to focus and concentrate. One of the most common...

Is Missing Mass on Sunday a Mortal Sin? Find Out

Declaring otherwise in comboxes and on social media should leave us with much to consider about our own pride and authority. missing Mass is NOT...

Why do Catholics Call their Main Church Services “Mass”?

It is a strange word in English, and doesn't adequately describe what takes place. Catholics can have a weird vocabulary sometimes. When a Catholic needs...

Things You Should Not Do At Mass (But You Might Be Doing Anyhow)

Small details that make the difference and unite the Church Do not be late. Remember God is waiting for you to fill you with...

The Final Mass of Saint Padre Pio Caught on Camera (RARE FOOTAGE)

The final Mass of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, affectionately known as Padre Pio, was caught on video. It captures some of the last hours...

A Christmas Dilemma: Do I Have to Go Mass Twice This Sunday?

Christmas this year is unique, and not for any reason you might expect – it falls on a Monday. What’s the significance of having...

This is the Real Reason Why the Pope Says You Should Never Show Up Late for Mass

Arrive with time to prepare your hearts for this celebration, aware of the value of what is to happen. I recommend that, please, teach your...

This is Why the Priest Kisses the Altar at Mass

Before celebrating every Mass the priest (and deacon) approach the altar and kiss it. To some, this practice seems rather odd, as altars are...

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A Powerful Prayer for a Broken Relationship

I recently had a conversation with a man who has continued to carry a burden of hurt and resentment since childhood. Now...

A Powerful Prayer of Hope, Healing, and Divine Comfort

Gracious and loving Father, On this sacred day, as we come before Your throne of grace, our hearts overflow...

Impossible Prayer to SAINT PADRE PIO for healing

Dear God, You generously blessed Your servant, St. Padre Pio , with the gifts of the Spirit. You...

Use this Prayer to Plead the Blood of Jesus on your Family

Father, I ask for protection and guidance over my spouse, my children, my parents, my family members and myself today and every...