Tags Prayers

Tag: Prayers

The Most Powerful Prayer For Those Who Need Help Urgently – It Works

The 12th-century prayer has been connected to numerous miracles throughout the centuries. One of the most widely known Catholic...

A Powerful Prayer of the Day for Wednesday, September 18. Pray Now and be Saved.

Body of Christ, Save Me! Body of Christ, save me!Save me from my great arch-enemy,my weak and faltering...

These are the 10 Powerful Weapons Every Catholic Can Use To Battle the Devil

Christians face a spiritual battle each day We Christians face a spiritual battle each day. The Word of God...

Prayer of the Day for Saturday, September 14

Prayer to the Holy Spirit # 2 Breathe into me, Holy Spirit,that my thoughts may all be holy.Move...

Prayers for Those Looking for Justice in this World

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver...

A Powerful Prayer of the Day for Tuesday, September 10

Prayer in Time of Anger Lord Jesus, there is anger in my heart and I cannot root it out.I know...

Powerful and Miraculous Prayers for Monday mornings!

Monday mornings are often difficult when it comes to motivation - the commute to work, by car, bus or train, long hours,...

Prayer of the Day for Monday, September 9

Parent's Prayer All praise to You, Lord Jesus,Lover of children:Bless our family,And help us to lead our children to You.

Powerful Prayer of the Day for Sunday, September 8

A Prayer for Grandparents. Dear St. Ann, You were truly twice blessed To have our blessed Mother As...

A Powerful Prayer for God to Rise Up For You during Trials and Hard Tiimes

A Powerful Prayer for God to Rise Up For You during Trials and Hard Tiimes. Pray this now!

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A Powerful Prayer for a Broken Relationship

I recently had a conversation with a man who has continued to carry a burden of hurt and resentment since childhood. Now...

A Powerful Prayer of Hope, Healing, and Divine Comfort

Gracious and loving Father, On this sacred day, as we come before Your throne of grace, our hearts overflow...

Impossible Prayer to SAINT PADRE PIO for healing

Dear God, You generously blessed Your servant, St. Padre Pio , with the gifts of the Spirit. You...

Use this Prayer to Plead the Blood of Jesus on your Family

Father, I ask for protection and guidance over my spouse, my children, my parents, my family members and myself today and every...