Here Are 10 Things Virgin Mary Wants Every Catholic To Say No To


7. She said no to living in a bubble. She could have shut herself off in a little world with Joseph and her divine Son, to relish the delights of living with such company. Instead, from the beginning, she gave her Child to others — to the shepherds, to the Magi, and later on, to the world entire.

8. She said no to the temptation to resist God’s plans. Mary revealed to St. Teresa that when Simon told her of the sword that would pierce her heart, she had a vision of the Passion. She saw the cross awaiting Jesus. She could have begun already then to beg God for a change of plans, but instead, she accepted. She accepted God’s plan to such a degree that at Cana, she was the catalyst for the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.


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  1. Our dear sweet precious God and Mary and Jesus are always with us and guiding and protecting us always. I truly love them tremendously then, now and forever and ever always with all of my heart, body and soul.

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