105 Year Old Japanese Doctor Shares 12 of his Principles for a Long Life


4 – Keep busy
“Always plan ahead. My agenda is already complete for the next 5 years, with lectures and my usual work, at the hospital. ”

5 – Keep working
“There is no need to retire ever, but if necessary, it must be much later than 65 years. Fifty years ago, there were only 125 Japanese people over 100 years old. Today, they are more than 36 thousand. ”

6 – Keep contributing to society
“After a certain age, we must strive to contribute to society. From the age of 65 I work as a volunteer. I still work 18 hours, 7 days a week and I love every minute. ”

7 – Spread your knowledge
“Share what you know. I give 150 lectures a year, some for 100 secondary school children, some for 4,500 entrepreneurs. I usually speak for an hour, an hour and a half, standing, to be strong. “


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