[Warning] Don’t Receive Your Next Communion If You Haven’t Seen This


4 Ways Many Catholics Are Receiving the Eucharist Wrong (Including You)

Most Catholics receive the Holy Eucharist in a manner that abuses the holiness of God’s presence in the Holy Eucharist. Many Catholics are not even aware that those gestures are wrong as a result of ignorance, some are just lazy to observe them.
Overtime there are several ways through which many Catholics receive the Eucharist wrongly but below are three major ones that point to it all:


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1 Comment

  1. Bow yes. Amen yes. Thank Jesus for all the blessings bestowed on me. Thank Jesus for His life, death, rising from the dead and ascending into Heaven so that by receiving His Body and Blood in Holy Communion and doing God’s will not mine. I would like to go to Heaven and be there always with Jesus. Amen

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