[Warning] Don’t Receive Your Next Communion If You Haven’t Seen This


2. Not Saying “Amen” Before Receiving the Holy Eucharist

Responding “Amen” when the Priest administering the Eucharist says “Body of Christ” before receiving the Eucharist. Saying “Amen” means you fully acknowledge and believe in the Holy Eucharist. So it’s very important we get patient enough while in the Communion lines to always say “Amen”. Most times due to long communion lines people get pressured and they receive the Eucharist without saying “Amen”
It’s just one word, so always be patient enough to acknowledge the Eucharist by saying “Amen” before receiving it.


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1 Comment

  1. Bow yes. Amen yes. Thank Jesus for all the blessings bestowed on me. Thank Jesus for His life, death, rising from the dead and ascending into Heaven so that by receiving His Body and Blood in Holy Communion and doing God’s will not mine. I would like to go to Heaven and be there always with Jesus. Amen

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