7 Powerful Prayers for Family


Prayers for Your Family

Few things in life are more precious than family. Whether you’re an only child or the youngest of seven, we have prayers for you. Ask God to bless your parents, children, siblings, or whoever today.

Thank God for Family

Dear God,

Thank you for my family. May we always be together, sharing our joy, providing for one another in disappointment, and living values that are right, true, and faithful to You.


A Prayer for Your Parents

Dear God,

Bless my parents. Grace them with a life of ease, peace of mind, and absence of worry. Show these deserving folks that happiness is theirs for the taking. Let them feel the love that surrounds them and know appreciation for the little things that matter.


A Mother’s Prayer

Dear God,

Thank You for making me a mother who understands I have tough choices to make and difficult decisions to live with. Strict parenting is a virtue. I strive to perfect. Help me stand firm, yet guide with gentle love. Give me a softness of spirit with just the right amount to balance the harsh realities of motherhood.


For Mothers of Daughters

Dear God,

Create the will for my daughter to come to You with her problems, feeling safe, loved and cared for, comforted by Your presence. Give her wisdom and show her how to make good choices in her life. Teach her to look within for her very best. Help her realize that You, God, are her strength and guidance. Let her know that enemies will come, but through You, she will always be victorious.


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For Mothers of Sons

Dear God,

I look upon my son and feel complete joy and utter fear. Joy, because this amazing soul leaves me breathless with wonder. Perfect in ways I never dreamed possible. May he be strong in tolerance, patience, love and faith. In a world starving for all these virtues, let his ways be Your shining example for all to see.


For the Whole Family

Dear Lord,

I ask Your blessings for this family I love and cherish. Protect them from harm, shelter them from evil. Teach them kindness. Show them compassion. Guide their steps and they will follow the path of goodness and light forever more.


For All Families

Dear God,

Bless the families. The fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and all who belong to them. For in family we find comfort. Families are the center of love. Bring peace and harmony to the families in Your dominion.
