
A Short but Powerful Prayer to God or Healing Lord of Heaven,I rest underneath your mighty wings of love.I dwell within your gentle heart.I...

Powerful Prayer to Receive God’s Peace During Periods of Anxiety and Fear O Lord of my heart, I draw near to you,For my heart’s become heavy with fear.I...

Feeling Helpless and Alone? This Prayer is for you You are the God who sees me..." - Genesis 16:13 Sometimes life may feel...

Talk to Jesus and Mary with this Prayer Prayer To Jesus For Healing Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal...

Powerful Prayer To Mother Mary And Jesus for a Particular Need

O most Holy Mary, virgin mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, queen of the universe, refuge of sinners, I greet you. Mine...

Prayer to Seek God’s Help in your Most Desperate Situation

Almighty Arms of Jesus before you, I with all my faith beg you for comfort. ln my difficult situation do not forsake me Good...

Cover your children with God’s protection with this prayer from the Bible

Whether they are going to school or simply walking out of the house, pray this prayer over them. When...

Your Personal Prayer – Prayer and Reading – Thursday: 16/05/19

Personal Prayer Dear Jesus, i pray for you and everyone in heaven, i hope that they are just as happy as i am. I pray that one day...

Pope Reminds us of Fatima’s message: Say this Prayer & Repent

Recalls John Paul II's assertion that his life was protected by Mary's intercession. Pope Francis concluded the Wednesday general...

A Prayer to St Dymphna – Hope. Wednesday; 15/05/19

Prayer to St. Dymphna - Hope Good St. Dymphna, you placed all your hope in Christ's promises, and sacrificed even your life in that hope. The Lord, God, rewarded...


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