
There’s a hidden prayer in the final petition of the Hail Mary

Our Lady will accompany us if we let her “Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of...

Today’s Prayer and Reading – Saturday 04/05/19

The Universal Prayer (attributed to Pope Clement Xi) Lord, I believe in you: increase my faith. I trust in you: strengthen my trust. I love you: let...

Depressed? Pray This Powerful Prayer of St. Ignatius Against the Darkness

My Lord, today all is silent.  You have given Your precious life for the salvation of the world.  You died a horrific...

Did You Know? How the Rosary Got Its Name

Perhaps no other devotion or prayer, save the Pater Noster, is the center of Catholic reverence than the Rosary. As members of the faithful...

Guardian Angel Prayer – for Those Who Seek Help and Guidance

You might have heard about angels, but have you ever heard about Guardian Angels? We all know who angels are and why they are...

What Are the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are “specially intended for the sanctification of the person who receives...

These Are the Oldest Surviving Images of the Virgin Mary

Distinctly absent from the four Gospels or any book of the New Testament are descriptions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in any...

How Mary Became “Queen of Poland”

She has been recognized as Poland's spiritual queen for many centuries. For hundreds of years, the Polish people have...

Effective Prayers that take less than a Second

We've got to be convinced that God is always near us. We live as though he were far away, and we forget...

Padre Pio says God will answer this type of prayer

With these, he will grant us his graces and help in everything. When we are physically near someone we...


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