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7 Powerful Ways sacramentals Keep Your House Holy!

Let’s look at sacramentals that truly affect our everyday lives. In the course of going through various sacramentals, we will also explore practical tips on...

Prayer To Jesus For Healing

Lord Jesus, heal me. Heal in me whatever you see needs healing. Heal me of whatever might separate me from you. Heal my memory, heal my heart, heal my...

The Holy Cross Miracle Prayer…..Very Powerful

Oh Lord Almighty! You have suffered death at the cross for our sins. Oh Holy Cross of Jesus! be my true light. Oh Holy...

Miracle Prayer To Mother Mary To Help Solve Difficult And Impossible Situations

A very powerful prayer for difficult situations Friends, I want to share with you a very powerful prayer. It is a prayer to the Holy...

A Powerful Prayer For Family (Jesus Listens AND Answers This Prayer)

O DEAR JESUS, I humbly implore You to grant Your special graces to our family. May our home be the shrine of peace, purity,...

Another Virgin Mary Apparition Caught on Camera (2 Photos)

A photo taken by a parishioner at Our Lady of Perpetual Help shows an illuminating human figure that appears to be the Virgin Mary....


Jesus, we often fail to ask your help in prayer, In time of trouble we forget to turn to you; we try every human...

Pray This 1 Prayer Daily to Have a Miracle in your Life!

O most holy heart of Jesus, the fountain of every blessing, I adore you, I love you, and with lively sorrow for my sins...

Why Do Catholics Make The Sign Of The Cross Before Praying?

Is it some sort of medieval superstition? When a group of Christians from different denominations get together to pray, it is easy to figure out...


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