Jesus Gave Padre Pio These 12 Signs About the End of the World


11. A meteorite will fall on the earth and everything will shine. It will be a disaster, much worse than a war. Many things will be canceled. And this will be one of the signs …

12. Men will live a tragic experience. Many will be overwhelmed by the river, many will be burned by fire, many will be buried by poisons … But I will stay close to the pure of heart.

Really to think and meditate, but when will this day happen? The key is in the same Bible 2 Peter 3, 2-13

And to be attentive, because the Lord will come like a thief …


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  1. I’m paying CLOSE attention to what he has to say. The world has gone mad and things are occurring which I could have NEVER dreamed of. How many will heed his words and turn back to GOD?

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