Make Your Prayers Powerful And Unstoppable With These 25 Names Of Jesus


  1. Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary
  2. Prince of Peace
  3. Emmanuel, God with us
  4. Savior
  5. Light of the world
  6. The bread of life
  7. King of kings
  8. The Good Shepherd
  9. Son of the living God
  10. Our refuge
  11. Healer
  12. Alpha and Omega. the beginning and the end
  13. Redeemer
  14. Messiah
  15. The Living Word
  16. King of Glory
  17. Bright morning star
  18. Resurrection and the life
  19. Wonderful Counsellor
  20. Mighty Warrior
  21. The Bridegroom
  22. Seeker of souls
  23. Jesus, joy of angels
  24. The cornerstone
  25. Everlasting one

Did we miss your favorite title for Jesus? Leave it in the comments below so others can begin to call on His name in a new way!

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