PHOTOS – Top 10 Powerful Catholic Saints Whose Corpses are Incorruptible


8. St Teresa Margaret (Died 1770)

In March 19, 1934, Pope Pius XI entered Blessed Teresa Margaret of the Sacred Heart in the register of saints. In Germany, the new saint is virtually unknown outside of the Carmelite Order. Her life was quiet and hidden.

She died on March 7, 1770 at the age of 22, and of this short lifespan, she spent five years in the Carmelite monastery in Florence. She performed no brilliant, attention-getting deeds, nor did her reputation reach the wider world. She spent her life living quietly and with virtue.


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1 Comment

  1. They are all are centered in europe. As far ad we asians are concerned St Francis patron saint of melaka and India his sacred body us still visable. You had a mental block you are biased and rubbish. Majority of the saints un your list are never heard of. I suggest you do your research before you come out with something like this. Ok.

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