Most Powerful And Vibrant Prayer Of Devotion To Mary


This prayer is written by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who gave his life to save a family father in the Auschwitz concentration camp

Immaculate, queen of heaven and earth,

refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother,

to whom God has given mercy.

I, the unworthy sinner, stand before you,

pleading that you accept my whole being as a thing

and thy property.

To you, Mother, I offer all the difficulties

of my soul and of my body, all my life, death and eternity.

Offer also, if you wish, of my whole being, without any reservation

to fulfill what was said of you.

Make your hands pure and merciful

make me a useful instrument to introduce and increase your glory

in so many indifferent souls and, thus,

increase as much as possible the blessed

Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Wherever you come, Immaculate, obtain grace

of conversion and sanctification, since all grace

that flows from the Heart of Jesus to us

reaches us through your hands.

Help me to praise you, Holy Virgin,

And give me strength against your enemies.


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