Prayers for Every Challenge For All catholics and Christians.


Are you reaching out for help with your struggles? We can help. Here are prayers for every challenge to bring your situation to a better place.

Prayers for Every Challenge

Are you reaching out for help with your struggles? We can help. Here are prayers for every challenge to bring your situation to a better place. 

Protecting Presence

Dear God, I know You are always with me. I can never stray beyond Your tender care. You are omnipresent. I carry Your protecting presence with me wherever I am, no matter what challenge I have to meet. You are with me. Your presence is my help in every need, it is my wisdom, and my strength. You are in charge of my life. You are my peace and my safety.   Amen

Stillness Overcomes Me

Dear God,
I ask for Your help with my challenges today. Clear my mind of all negative attitudes and beliefs and cause stillness to overcome me. Let Your Divine love transform concern and fear into peace and calm. Be a harmonizing force within my life. Strengthen me.Amen

Standing Up to Adversity

Dear God,I pray that You will build my faith so strong that I can stand up to any adversity in my life with great confidence. I know I do not walk alone. I ask for every impossible situation in my life to be turned around. I ask to be empowered with Your faith so that I may see the possibilities instead of the appearances. I turn my attention to You instead of the problem. I center my faith in the solution instead of negativity and I believe in You with my whole heart. I pray this day will be a spiritual one where understanding increases and my faith grows.Amen

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Meet Challenges Head On

Dear God,Create the will for me to come to You with my problems even when I doubt. Help me feel safe, loved and cared for. Comfort me by Your presence. Give me wisdom and show me how to make good choices in my life. To meet challenges head on. Teach me to look within my very best self. Help me realize— You God, are my strength and guidance. Let me know that enemies will come, but through You, I will always be victorious.Amen

Direct My Path

Dear God, 
I have faith in You to guide my way and direct my path through this life. To  keep me safe and secure. To provide for my every need, even before I ask. Temper the challenges I face. Help me to manage good solutions. Determine my purpose and may it be one worthy of honor to You, my Lord.Amen

Find Your Destiny


Dear God, 
Give me clarity of vision, laser focus, and eyes that see what’s important. Guide me to find my destiny. Shield me from temptation. Show me the way. Renew my faith. Help me see that from bad comes from these challneges I face. Give me cause to shout Hallelujah!Amen

Rise Up

Dear God, Right now I am overwhelmed by the challenges I face. I think of the bad things and not the good. Help me to see things as they are, full of happy moments not to be taken for granted. That there is sunshine among the clouds. As I get ready tochange my perspective, let me know gratitude. And I will rise up against the odds.Amen

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Ups and Downs

Dear God, As I reflect on my life so far, I give thanks to You. Though there is sorrow, there is joy. Though there are tragedies, there is cause to celebrate. Though there are challenges there is opportunity. Throughout the ups and downs You are the one unchanging force of spirit and love who guides and protects me.Amen

Seize and Conquer

Dear God,Remind me to look at every situation from different angles. To stand in the shoes of the stranger and look upon myself critically, so I can change for the better. To view each person with compassion and to react without judgment. To seize and conquer the challenge of living a Godly life. May tolerance and understanding be mine.Amen 

Infinite Strength

Dear God, I grew up with prayer as a quiet quick few seconds before bed, but that’s no longer enough. I have more challenges and more need for You. In turn I offer endless praise for You. I adore You with more passion. I come to You morning, noon, and night with a full heart and a passel of prayer requests that go beyond my bedroom door. Thank You for Your infinite strength and goodness.  Amen