St. Maximina – The Forgotten Miraculous Saint


Saint Maximina of Singidunum

St. Maximina also called St. Maxima of Singidunum is one of the powerful intercessors of the Church that is currently unknown to or forgotten by many people today. She is a Saint that is worth your attention. Research about her and learn more about her story and life and experience her powerful intercession in your life.

“In 304 A.D., a native of Belgrade, widow and mother, was martyred for her magnificent defense of the Catholic Faith at Mitrovica, Yugoslavia. This was near the end of one of the fiercest Roman persecutions. She was beheaded and cast into the Sava River. Devoted Christians retrieved and buried her in the Roman catacomb of St. Priscilla, until she was given to the Sinibaldi family chapel. In 1927 her relics were given to the Poor Clares in Rome, who later moved them to the Poor Clares in Chicago. The remarkably preserved bones of the Saint were partly encased in wax and a be-jeweled red robe. Cardinal Mundelin of Chicago gave permission to celebrate her feast day on May 4th. After 40 years, St. Adrian’s Church in Chicago received her relics for veneration and she became known as the “Miraculous Saint of Great Faith,” and the saint of many miracles. With the coming of the Vatican II spirit, controversy arose and the Chicago cardinal made sounds like he wished to be rid of her and to bury her bones in the local cemetery. However, devoted clients of St. Maximina transported her remains to the Byzantine nuns of St. Clare in North Royalton, Ohio, where they remain to this day the object of many devoted visits and prayers. Many miracles are still being reported as the result of prayers made to this marvelous Martyr of the holy Catholic Church. If you need a miracle in your life, my advice is for you to go to St. Maximina.” – from The Angelus

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Prayer to St. Maxima of Singidunum
O God, who among other marvels of Thy power hast even on the weaker sex conferred the victory of martyrdom: mercifully grant, through the intercession and example of Thy martyr, St. Maximina, that we may advance unto Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, through the intercession of Thy martyr St. Maximina, look down upon Thy people that they may be strengthened unto piety, obtain the remission of their sins, be delivered from the devil and his deceits, be filled with the Holy Ghost, and obtain life everlasting. Amen.

We pray Thee by the blood which Thy martyr, St. Maximina shed for Thy love, that Thou protect Thy Church and preserve her free and unshaken until the consummation of time. May the merits of Thy holy martyr plead for our Holy Father the Pope, the bishops, the priests, the religious orders and the missionaries toiling among the heathens, that they may be enriched with wisdom, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

We offer the merits and prayers of St. Maximina also for this Thy people, that Thou wilt make of them to Thy praise a kingly priesthood and a holy nation. Preserve all that live in virginity and keep faithful all that live in wedlock. Protect the children of Thy people and cast away not one of us.

May we not cease to praise Thee until, united with Thy holy martyr St. Maximina, we may forever worship Thee in Thy kingdom. Who art God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost forever and ever. Amen.

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Fr. Leo Franklin McNamara’s tour of the Relics of St. Maximina

You can learn more about St. Maximina over here.