
Monday Prayer to Attract New Blessings this Week in your Life and Workplace

Lord, thank you for the goodness in my life. When I wake each morning, I praise Your name! You have given me life that...

CAUGHT ON CAMERA : Catholic Father Dies Whiles Preaching at Mass; See his Last Words

It is appointed unto man to die but once and after death comes judgement says the Bible. As a Christian and practicing Catholic, my...

What to do when Holy Communion Falls on the Ground at Mass

The Church’s guidelines in this matter highlight the reality of Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist. On occasion during the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass,...

A Powerful Night Prayer to Mother Mary for Protection During a Good Night Sleep

The best way for a good night’s sleep is to reclaim your inner peace and rest with a heart united to God God in heaven, O...

This Prayer to Jesus Christ is a Powerful Miracle

Shortest And Most Powerful Miracle Prayer Never Known to Fail Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my...

A Saturday Morning Prayer of Praise and Glory to Jesus

Why Saturday Morning Praise? OK, so it’s Saturday morning!!! The most anticipated day of the week. For some it’s a day for chores, for others...

Expecting a Miracle?? Say this Powerful Prayer to Mother Mary

MOST holy Mary, Queen of heaven, I who was once the slave of the Evil One now dedicate myself to thy service forever; and...

12 Steps To Overcome Depression

There are times in life when you feel like things will never get better and that your feelings of depression will never end. What...

Why do Catholics use Crucifixes that show Jesus on the Cross?

The use of crucifixes by Catholics follows an ancient tradition that honors the supreme sacrifice of Jesus. While the empty cross is a common Christian...

Powerful Prayer Now If You Need a Miracle

Lord Jesus, I come before Thee, just as I am, I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me....


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