[URGENT WARNING] Don’t Attend Mass During Lent If You Haven’t Seen This


8 – You are freed from many dangers and misfortunes in which you might fall if it were not for Holy Mass.

9 – Remember also that with it you reduce your purgatory.

10 – With each Mass you increase your degree of glory in Heaven. In it you receive the blessing of the Priest, which God ratifies in heaven.

11 – During the Mass you kneel in the midst of a multitude of angels invisibly attending to the Holy Sacrifice.

12 – You get blessings in your business and temporal affairs.

13 – When we hear Mass in honor of a particular saint, giving thanks to God for the favors requested of this saint, we gain his protection and special love, for the joy and happiness that his works follow.

14 – Every day that we hear Mass, besides the other intentions, we must honor the Holy of the day.

Archbishop of St. Louis


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