Here Are 5 Ways To Call On The Great Archangels In Times Of Need



Feeling lost and/or uninspired? You can specifically ask the Angels to reignite your brain and imagination so you can get clarity and take action! This intention is very useful when you feel a bit unsure about what you actually want and/or what your Life Purpose is. It is also great for creative endeavors like writing or art. Here’s a sample phrase you can customize to meet your needs:

“Guardian Angels and Archangels (you can name the ones you want for help), please give me ideas and inspiration to help me (decide, know, or create) ________________, so that I know the next steps to take. Thank you”

I use this intention frequently for writing blogs and articles. Part of my purpose is writing and I have my own blog, plus I am a freelancer and contributor for several others. I also write websites for entrepreneurs, often for businesses I know nothing about. I usually need ideas that will best suit varying audiences, and the Angels always come through to help inspire me!


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